We note that you already have products in your basket.
If you wish to purchase or reserve a course, it must be done through a single order, please complete your purchase of products first or empty your basket to be able to reserve the course.
It is not possible to add course and products in the same order. Please finish your product order first and place your course order later.
We note that you already have a product in your basket.
If you wish to purchase a quick shop product, it must be done through a single order, please complete your purchase of products first or empty your basket.
It is not possible to add another quick shop product in the same order. Please finish your product order first and place your product later.
* Envio gratis a partir de 100€ en Península. La compra mínima por pedido será de 20€
Medidas: 40mm X 20mm X 10mm
Largo: 4 cm Ancho: 2 cm Grosor: 1 cm
Recubrimiento: Ferrita
Grado de magnetización: Y35
GsB (Gauss sobre Biomagnetismo): 1.000 gauss
Gauss Interno: 3.400 aprox.
Gauss Externo: 900 aprox.
Fuerza de sujeción: 3 kg aprox.
Material: Ferrita
Tolerancia: +/- 0,1
Tolerancia: 250°c
Peso: 42 g
Almacén: Alicante, España.